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Begin, accelerate, or reevaluate your unpublished project 

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Save Years. Save Angst.

Talk to Dr. Susan Brown

As a James Joyce scholar, Susan Brown introduces her clients to the secrets of the world’s greatest authors. A teacher, private writing coach, editor, and collaborator, Susan has spent decades assisting unpublished as well as prize-winning writers develop their projects from concept to manuscript.

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Some of the Books Susan Helped Guide to Print


Laura Davis

Acknowledgements, The Burning Light of Two Stars: A Mother-Daughter Story

“Susan Brown, friend and colleague, nurtured this book in its infancy, always offering her incisive, deep knowledge about structure to my story. Susan believed in this project before anyone else did and helped me keep the flame alive when I wanted to quit. I’m particularly grateful for her warmth, tough love, hospitality, generous coaching, and most of all her insistence that I must tell more of the truth as the story’s protagonist. I’ll never forget the day I was riding shotgun in her car when she told me, “this memoir is about the courage to reveal, Laura, not the courage to heal.”


Richard Kearney

Irish philosopher and Author of
23 books

“The inestimable Susan Sutliff Brown is a genius, and one of the finest mentors anyone could wish to have. I don’t start a novel or revise one without consulting her.”


Jennifer Clement

First Woman President of PEN International, National Book Award finalist, Best-selling Author

“During my writing process I always show my work to Susan Brown. She is the only editor who can give me the insight of a rigorous literary scholar and the sharp understanding of the more mainstream market. Discussing my work with her is like dancing tap to Mozart.”

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